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geological society中文是什么意思

用"geological society"造句"geological society"怎么读"geological society" in a sentence


  • 地质学会


  • Geological society of london
  • The plan of celebration activities on the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the geological society of china
  • Chen , h . ( 1987 ) the assessment of failure vulnerability on potentially unstable slopes , memoir of the geological society of china , no . 9 , pp . 525 - 536
    陈宏宇( 1979 )山坡地在双溪社区开发上所造成的工程地质难题,大地之声,第87 - 96页
  • The 6th world chinese conference on geological sciences amp; amp; annual meeting of 2005 of the geological society of china , aug . 26 29 , 2005 , chifeng , inner mongolia
  • Established in 1990 , the women ' s committee under geological society of china has connections with thousands of women geologists throughout the country , who have no fear of hardships and dangers
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